Thematic sections

4.2.3 The coats of arms and the emblems

1. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Sabbionara and St. Francis

1.1. Curtain Wall (cortina) of Bembo (1552)

Inscription with the name of capitano Gianmatteo Bembo and the date of construction (fig.1).

1.2. Rest of the Curtain Wall to the Bastion of St. Francis (1565-1567)

Coat of arms of capitano generale Daniele Venier (fig. 2)

2. Side of the half-bastion of St. Francis (1566)

Coats of arms of consigliere Pietro Civran, duca Daniele Barbarigo, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano generale Daniele Venier και consigliere Lorenzo Marcello (today under the ground – fig. 3)

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3. Piattaforma rovescia (1566)

Coats of arms of consigliere Pietro Civran, duca Daniele Barbarigo, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano generale Daniele Venier και consigliere Lorenzo Marcello (fig. 4)

4. Bastion Vitturi

4.1. Point (1540)

Rectangular frame, with a tendril surrounding the coat of arms of the Vitturi family and the date 1540 underneath a small frontal lion (fig. 5 & 6)

4.2. NE lobe – Gate of Saint George (1565)

Coats of arms of consigliere Pietro Civran, duca Daniele Barbarigo, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano Daniele Venier και consigliere Lorenzo Marcello (fig. 7)

4.3. Eastern side (1563-1564)

Coats of arms of consigliere Petro Civran, duca Marco Grimani, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano generale Paolo Zorzi και consigliere Marcantonio Leon (today under the ground of the Georgiadis park, known only from the picture of G. Gerola - fig. 8)

Coat of arms of Paolo Zorzi in a frame decorated in the corners with lion heads (today under the ground of the Georgiadis park)

4.4. SW side (1563)

near the SW lobe, five coats of arms of consigliere Gian Francesco Michiel, duca Marco Grimani, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano generale Paolo Zorzi και consigliere Marcantonio Lion (fig. 9)

relief slabs with the date 1563

4.5. SW low terrace

relief slabs with the date 1563

5. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Vitturi and Jesu (1563)

Inscription in an oval frame with a rich surrounding decoration, underneath a relief slab with a winged lion to left, towards a fortified city, holding an open Gospel (fig. 10). It has collapsed. The left side of the slab is exhibited in the Historical Museum of Crete (fig. 11).

6. Jesu Bastion

6.1. Eastern Lobe (1567)

Coats of arms of consigliere Francesco Lippomano, duca Francesco Soranzo, doge Gerolamo Priuli, capitano generale Daniele Venier και consigliere Lorenzo Marcello (fig.12 & 13).

6.2. Millitary corridor towards the NE low terrace (1575)

Coats of arms of duca Alvise Zustiniane, provveditore generale Jacopo ή Jacomo Foscarini και capitano generale Luca Basadona (fig. 14).

7. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Jesu and Martinengo

Oval slab with an inscription (it has collapsed) in a rich floral frame (fig.15 & 16)

8. Martinengo Bastion, Western side (1568)

Marble slab with the lion of St. Marc and the coat of arms of the doge Pietro Loredan (fig. 17)

9. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Martinengo and Bethlehem (second half of the 16th c.)

Relief with a lion towards the left (fig. 18), barely discernible today (fig. 19)

10. Bethlehem Bastion

10.1. Southern lobe (1575)

Lion holding the coat of arms of the doge Alvise Mocenigo over the coats of arms of consigliere Constantino Emo, duca Alvise Zustiniane, provveditore generale Jacomo Foscarini, capitano generale Luca Basadona και consigliere Francesco Garzoni, bearing the date 17 of May 1575 (fig. 20)

10.2. Gate of the military corridor (1583-84)

dedicatory inscription of G. Barbadigo filled with black gum.

10.3. NW low terrace (1583)

Over the entrance to the corridor relief slab with a frontal lion holding the coat of arms of capitano generale Gerolamo Barbarigo (detouched).

11. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Bethlehem and Pantokrator (1580-1582)

Relief lion to the left, over an inscription with the names of the doge Nicolo de Ponte, the duke Nicolo Salamon and the provveditore Joannes Mocenigo (fig. 21)

12. Curtain Wall between the Bastions Pantokrator and Saint Andrew (1543-1544)

Relief slab with a lion to the left holding an open Gospel, over six coats of arms of the officers Nicolo Guerini consigliere, Agostino Surian capitano generale, Pietro Lando doge, Matteo Barbarigo duca, Francesco Tiepolo consigliere (fig. 22).

Same thematic section texts (6)

Characteristic Icon
4. The fortifications of Candia
Characteristic Icon
4.1 The older enceinte of Candia
Characteristic Icon
4.2 The fortifications of the 16th c.
Characteristic Icon
4.2.1 The Bastions
Characteristic Icon
4.2.2. The Gates of Candia
Characteristic Icon
4.2.3 The coats of arms and the emblems
Characteristic Icon
4.3 The fortification walls through the centuries